JAAGO Foundation – Empowering Lives through Education

JAAGO Foundation is a non-profit entity zealously working in underprivileged communities of Bangladesh. More specifically, it targets education, youth development, gender equality, climate change, governance, and poverty alleviation to see a better tomorrow for all.

Focus Areas:

Education:Supplying quality education to underprivileged children through Digital Schools and other such initiatives.
Youth Development:Empowering young changemakers and agents of social positive change.
Gender Equity:Empowering women and advancing gender equality
Climate Change:Fighting the issues the world is going to face from climate change
Governance:Contributing towards good governance and transparency

Impactful Programs:

Digital School Program:Bringing quality education to remote areas with 11 Digital Schools touching more than 4500 children
Volunteerism:Empowering over 50,000 young volunteers to be forces of good
Sponsor A Child Program:Become a part of changing a life by sponsoring a child’s educational needs through a monthly sponsorship of BDT 2,500

A Committed Team:

JAAGO’s diversified and passionate team is the force behind its highly committed motive of eliminating poverty through education. This innovative structure within the organization is resonating with innovation, leadership, and transparency.

Sustainable Impact:

A partnership between JAAGO and the public and private sectors changed many lives. From students to volunteers, whole communities—this foundation in Bangladesh is making a difference.

Key Figures:

ProgramKey MetricValue
Digital School ProgramNumber of Schools11
Digital School ProgramNumber of Beneficiaries4500+
VolunteerismNumber of Volunteers50,000+
Sponsor A Child ProgramMonthly SponsorshipBDT 2,500

Be the change you want to see; join JAAGO in building a brighter future for all!


Q What is JAAGO Foundation ?

JAAGO Foundation is a movement initiated by the youth of Bangladesh dedicated to help the impoverished people of Bangladesh. We hope to break the cycle of poverty through the education and rebuilding of our nation.
