If you have decided to travel from Ishwardi to Rajshahi by train, then let the journey be with more comfortable and less hassle. More trains ply this route with different fare categories to satisfy your needs based on budget and preferences. In that respect, down below are the detailed details regarding the scheduling, route, and price of each ticket.
Ishwardi to Rajshahi Train Schedule
Here goes the whole list of the trains that commute from Ishwardi to Rajshahi with their respective departure, arrival, travel duration, and days of running:
Train Name | Departure Time (from Ishwardi) | Travel Duration | Arrival Time (at Rajshahi) | Off Day |
Rajshahi Commuter (57) | 07:00 AM | 02h 00m | 09:00 AM | Monday |
Kapotaksha Express (715) | 11:10 AM | 01h 10m | 12:20 PM | Saturday |
Tungipara Express (783) | 12:00 PM | 01h 15m | 01:15 PM | Wednesday |
Sagardari Express (761) | 08:35 PM | 01h 25m | 10:00 PM | Monday |
Ishwardi Bypass to Rajshahi Train Schedule
Following is the train schedules from Ishwardi Bypass to Rajshahi.
Train Name | Departure Time (from Ishwardi Bypass) | Travel Duration | Arrival Time (at Rajshahi) | Off Day |
Padma Express (759) | 03:09 AM | 01h 16m | 04:25 AM | Tuesday |
Dhalarchar Express (779) | 09:08 AM | 01h 17m | 10:25 AM | Thursday |
Silkcity Express (753) | 07:23 PM | 01h 07m | 08:30 PM | Sunday |
Ticket Prices (Ishwardi and Ishwardi Bypass to Rajshahi)
The trains on these routes offer several seating categories to cater to passengers’ needs. Below are the ticket prices, inclusive of a 15% VAT:
Train Name | Seat Category | Ticket Price (৳) |
Rajshahi Commuter (57) | Shovan | 60 |
Kapotaksha Express (715) | S_Chair | 75 |
AC_S | 167 | |
Tungipara Express (783) | Shovan | 60 |
S_Chair | 75 | |
AC_S | 110 | |
Sagardari Express (761) | S_Chair | 75 |
AC_S | 167 | |
Padma Express (759) | AC_B | 230 |
Snigdha | 127 | |
S_Chair | 70 | |
Dhalarchar Express (779) | S_Chair | 70 |
Shovan | 55 | |
Silkcity Express (753) | AC_S | 156 |
Snigdha | 127 | |
S_Chair | 70 |
Train Route:
All trains traveling from Ishwardi and Ishwardi Bypass to Rajshahi pass through the following stations:
- Ishwardi → Azim Nagar → Abdulpur → Lokmanpur → Arani → Sardah Road → Rajshahi
- Ishwardi Bypass → Azim Nagar → Abdulpur → Arani → Sardah Road → Rajshahi
Some Other Useful Travelling Tips:
- Booking Ticket: The ticket can be purchased from railway or through an online platform, Bangladesh Railway.
- Safely: Not forget to take care about your luggage all over the journey and try not to eat the foods which come from an unreliable sources.
- Emergency Contacts: Bangladesh Railway Police can be contacted or the national emergency number: 999.
- Peak Travel Seasons: It is expected to be very crowded during holidays and festivals. Book your tickets in advance for seat availability.
- Arriving Time: Always try to reach the station before at least 15 minutes to avoid the last minute rush of catching the train.
Have a great and a pleasant train journey from Ishwardi to Rajshahi.