Ishwardi to Rajshahi Train Schedule 2025
The train trip between Ishwardi and Rajshahi should provide you with a relaxed experience without unnecessary inconvenience. Different fare categories are available on this route to match various needs of customers depending on their preferences and budget.
The following section presents complete information about the timing schedule together with ticket route and pricing details.
Ishwardi to Rajshahi Train Schedule
Train Name | Departure Time | Travel Duration | Arrival Time | Off Day |
Rajshahi Commuter (57) | 07:00 AM | 02h 00m | 09:00 AM | No Off Day |
Kapotaksha Express (715) | 11:10 AM | 01h 10m | 12:20 PM | Saturday |
Tungipara Express (783) | 12:00 PM | 01h 15m | 01:15 PM | Wednesday |
Sagardari Express (761) | 08:35 PM | 01h 25m | 10:00 PM | Monday |
Ishwardi Bypass to Rajshahi Train Schedule
Following is the train schedules from Ishwardi Bypass to Rajshahi.
Train Name | Departure Time | Travel Duration | Arrival Time | Off Day |
Padma Express (759) | 03:09 AM | 01h 16m | 04:25 AM | Tuesday |
Dhalarchar Express (779) | 09:08 AM | 01h 17m | 10:25 AM | Thursday |
Silkcity Express (753) | 07:23 PM | 01h 07m | 08:30 PM | Sunday |
Ticket Prices (Ishwardi and Ishwardi Bypass to Rajshahi)
Train Name | Seat Category | Ticket Price (৳) |
Rajshahi Commuter (57) | Shovan | 60 |
Kapotaksha Express (715) | S_Chair | 75 |
Kapotaksha Express (715) | AC_S | 167 |
Tungipara Express (783) | Shovan | 60 |
Tungipara Express (783) | S_Chair | 75 |
Tungipara Express (783) | AC_S | 110 |
Sagardari Express (761) | S_Chair | 75 |
Sagardari Express (761) | AC_S | 167 |
Padma Express (759) | AC_B | 230 |
Padma Express (759) | Snigdha | 127 |
Padma Express (759) | S_Chair | 70 |
Dhalarchar Express (779) | S_Chair | 70 |
Dhalarchar Express (779) | Shovan | 55 |
Silkcity Express (753) | AC_S | 156 |
Silkcity Express (753) | Snigdha | 127 |
Silkcity Express (753) | S_Chair | 70 |
Train Route:
All trains traveling from Ishwardi and Ishwardi Bypass to Rajshahi pass through the following stations:
Ishwardi → Azim Nagar → Abdulpur → Lokmanpur → Arani → Sardah Road → Rajshahi Ishwardi Bypass → Azim Nagar → Abdulpur → Arani → Sardah Road → Rajshahi
Some Other Useful Travelling Tips:
- Ticket bookings for railway travel can be done both directly through railway offices or through the online system of Bangladesh Railway.
- During your trip you should maintain safe handling of belongings and abstain from eating foods obtained from untrustworthy sources.
- Emergencies require calling the Bangladesh Railway Police or dialing the national emergency number 999.
- The tourism period during public holidays and festivals will result in heavy volume of travelers. Make your reservations in advance to ensure availability of seats.
- When you visit the station allow at least 15 minutes of additional time to avoid standing in late crowds for the train.
The train journey from Ishwardi to Rajshahi will be great and pleasant.